

We are currently using the following dye ingredients: pomegranate, madder, weld, indigo, onion skin and catechu.


Our products are dyed by hand using rainwater and natural dyes derived from fruits and plants. This is a slow and beautiful process which takes lots of tlc. Our fabric is first pre-soaked for 1 day and then scoured before being mordanted. Mordanting is carried out to prepare the fibres to take the colour and ensure the colour stays on the fabric. Mordanting time can be anything from 24hrs to 3 days depending on each dye. The fabric is then immersed in the dye bath. Again, the timing on this part depends on the type of dye and shade of colour required. Once the fabric has been dyed and washed it is then heat set in water at 80 degrees.


We are working with an incredible dye house in Ireland who have made our dream become a reality. The dyeing industry uses huge amounts of water and produces just as much waste water, often toxic. They are on a mission to change this. In 2020 they installed a water filtration system. All the water used in the process is collected rain water. To keep their energy output low, they keep temperatures for dye extraction below 80 degrees, whenever possible. Once the dyeing is complete, the water is pumped into a collection tank and into 3 settlement tanks, to let any particles settle on the bottom. From there it drips into another pump chamber to be pumped in several hour intervals into planted gravel and sand filtration tanks. From there it goes into another 2 settlement tanks, before it is drip fed into an evergreen woodland where the majestic trees act as a final purifier.