All content of this website including photos, logos, information and images is copyright protected and must not be used for commercial purpose without the permission of the copyright holder.

We enjoy sharing and appreciate the reposting of our photographs on other media channels for personal or non commercial use. When doing so we ask that all reposting of our materials are credited/linked to the originals.


Whilst reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the content of this website, no responsibility can be taken for any error or omission.


Your privacy is important to us and any details we collect from you will be stored securely and will never be made public or shared with third parties.


At Nàdarra we aim to make sure at every step of the way that we are lowering or making minimum impact on the environment. Our linen is made from European, ethically sourced flax plant fibres. It is then spun and dyed by hand in Ireland using plants and fruits, for more information on this process see Our Dyes page. Our product is packaged in recycled and recyclable boxes, tissue paper and tape.